Dungeon Master II Weapons and armor lists. Should help you make some decisions. I've listed them in order of strength (lowest to highest) along with their weights. I've also separated them into hand-to-hand weapons and missile weapons. I have not included special magical weapons because they cast spells that characters can already cast.
Hand-to-Hand Weapon Weight Missile Device Weight
Branch 0.8 Sling 1.9
Torch 1.1 Bow 1.0
Dagger 0.5 Crossbow 2.8
*Staff 2.6 Speedbow 3.0
*Rogue Stave 0.9
Club 3.6 Missiles Weight
*Kalan Gauntlet 2.0
Scythe 2.6 Rock 1.0
Machete 2.8 Shuriken 0.1
Sword 3.2 Club 3.6
Rapier 2.6 Poison Dart 0.3
*Combat Staff 3.5 Dagger 0.5
Mace 3.1 War Club 6.0
Sabre 3.3 Arrow 0.2
War Club 6.0 Slayer Arrow 0.2
*Zo Blade 1.0
Katana 3.5
**Vorpal Blade 3.0
*Tempest 3.0
Axe 4.3
Excsymyr 3.3
*Fury 4.7
MorningStar 5.0
Blue Steele 3.7
Tech Mace 4.1
Vorax 6.5
* - The weapon has some special ability.
** - The vorpal blade is effective against ghosts, etc., but not much else.
Head Weight Chest Weight
Bandana 0.1 Bodice 0.2
Horned Helm 0.9 Black Top 0.4
Helmet 1.2 Fine Robe Top 0.3
Bascinet 1.5 Tunic 0.5
Great Helm 2.0 Doublet 0.3
Mail Helmet 1.6 Leather Jerkin 1.1
Armet 1.9 Brigandine 1.7
Fire Helm 2.1 Breastplate 4.5
Ra Sar Helm 1.7 Scale Hauberk 5.4
TechHelm 3.5 Fire Plate 10.8
Fire Plate(Bust) 4.7
Legs Torso Plate 12.0
Mithral Mail 5.2
Tabard 0.4 Ra Sar Plate 7.5
Black Skirt 0.4 Tech Plate 14.1
Fine Robe 0.3
Gunna 0.5 Feet
Blue Pants 0.7
Huke 0.3 Sandals 0.6
Leather Pants 1.0 Fire Greave 3.2
Thigh Plates 3.3 Leather Boots 1.8
Scale Mail 4.1 Black Boots 1.6
Leg Plate 8.0 Greaves 1.6
Mithral Huke 4.1 Foot Plate 2.8
Fire Poleyn 8.8 Mithral Hosen 0.1
Ra Sar Poleyn 6.2 Ra Sar Greave 2.2
Tech Poleyn 9.0 Tech Boots 3.1
Shield Weight
Wood Shield 1.4
Small Shield 2.1
Sar Shield 3.4
*Crystal Shield 2.9
*Ra Sar Shield 3.2
*Tech Shield 4.0
*Shield of Fire 4.0
* - Has some special abitlity. Also note that it helps to have the Tech Shield.
Game Tips
1 - Improve statistics by doing.
a) Throw to make your throwing better.
b) If you want to THRUST better, then do a lot of thrusting. However, you still need to improve other areas of fighting to increase your fighter level.
2 - Use attack (ZO EW KU) and guard (ZO EW NETA) minions. They help!
3 - Use the maps. Enough said.
4 - Increase spellcasting of your fighters. Light and heal potions are good starters. Even a
character with 0 mana can get better if you give them an item like the suzerain which
gives them 10 mana.
5 - Prepare spells in advance. Preselect all the symbols, but don't cast it. Do this for each
character if you like. You can exit after the symbols are selected and regenerate the lost
mana. Drawbacks to this are that you may end up needing another spell and that you
can only do it for one spell per character.
6 - Finally, watch the weight your characters carry. You only move as fast as your slowest
member. Quickness is useful for dodging various things like missile or spell attacks.